Florian's personal profile
What are you most passionate about? |
2. What are the THREE things for which you are MOST thankful? |
2. 3. |
3. Other than your parents, who has been the most influential person in your life and why? |
4. The four things your friends say about you are: |
5. What are three of your BEST life-skills? |
6. What is the most important quality that you are looking for in another person? |
7. Other than your appearance, what is the first thing that people notice about you? |
8. What is the ONE thing that people DON'T notice about you right away that you WISH they WOULD? |
9. How do you typically spend your leisure time? |
10. What are five things that you "can't live without?" |
11. Describe the last book that you read and enjoyed. What was it about? What did you like most about it? |
12. Describe one thing about yourself that only your best friends know. |