
Sign the

A Lion In Winter
Aspen Mountain
October 4th, 2009

Crested Butte Memorial


Florian's Russian Journey

The Salt

Merry Scott

Action Plans

from Aum-Rak

Photos of the Wonderful
Florian Scott

More Photos:

60th Birthday Party

Family Photos


Class Reunion & School

Feeding the Russians

Photos with friends

Celebrity Shots

The Bio Crew - from Karen

Zero Point

Boulder and Beyond - from Debby



A Man of Action


Open Door mto the Future

I believe the solution is communication, The goal of the SALT OF THE EARfH is to contnbute to a positive and peaceful world through the exchange of goods and services whose inherent nature reflects the cultures from whence they come, The profits of these activities to be used for cultural exchange, We began as the Salt Company, selling highly mineralized sea salt now called Sate Salt. As we became Salt Of The Earth our hope grew. We wanted to develop nurturing relationships with our vendors, supplies, farmers, and customers We wanted to provide the cleanest, purist, organic foods. We wanted more.

We saw that foods arose from the mineral kingdom -either from the oceans or from the soil to become part or the food cham. Eventually these foods fueled our phYSical activities, mental concentration, and ultimately our spiritual lives. Thus our job became to aid in the easiest movement of energy between heaven and earth. Toward this secondary goal we remain committed on the local level.

Toward our primary goal to create a positive and peaceful world. this last year I went to the Koodrie Agricultural Research Center in the New Terfltories of Chma (the front cover of this catalogue is taken at the Research Center). Then. on to Japan to visit Yuko Okada, owner of Muso. Eden Foods trading partner. Then on to Russia as the guest of Dr. Julia Gippenreiter and her husband Dr. Alex Rudicov. 1took a workshop at Phavda and encouraged the kitchen staff to institute a program of natural foods cooking for the entire news staff at the "Palace Of Culture". Also I met with the Mayor of Kline, Russia about 100 Kilometers from Moscow. We discussed the creation of a traditional pickle factory.

From Moscow I went to Zurich Switzerland and met with a Jungian psychologist. During this portion of the journey I went to Prague, Czechoslovakia, and began to plant the seeds of a new infra-structure. As a result of this trip, dur11lg 1991, SALT OF THE EARTH was pleased to host friends from China, Russia, and Czechoslovakia. In July, I participated in a . month long intensive in Crested Butte. Colorado with some of the folks I had met on my trip around the world. I invite and welcome you to participate in these activities. And I hope we can find many ways to work together.

Florian Scott Halazon

Click for a larger view


Consciously Co-Creating a
Better Living World
- through -
Communication & Commerce

Mission Statement

To create a hub for conscious commerce.  Building a network of people, conscious businesses and information, providing connectivity services, and creating opportunities for dialogue.

Knowing Statement

Each single thread being supported to sing its highest, positive intention of good serves to weave the fabric of WeBeOne.